Asafoetida, with the botanical name Ferula asafoetida, is a dry sap derived from the roots of the plant Ferula. The plant is native to Afghanistan and Iraq, although it is widely used in Indian cuisine. The sap obtained from the plant roots is dried in the sunlight, then ground into a spice. The spice is referred to as Hing. It gives a unique taste to the food and has various health benefits.
Heatlh Benefits
1. It possesses antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.
2. It helps to diabetics by controling the level of sugar in your blood thus .
3. Also, it has the ability to lower the blood pressure to secure from the danger zone.
4. Hing can reduce the symptoms of Asthma and eases futher process.
5. Asafoetida comes with Anticancer property which helps to control the growth of cancer cells.
6. Particularly, this product can aid in the protection of your brain.
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