Other Common Names:
Scientific Name: Mukia Maderaspatana
English Name: Madras Pea Pumpkin / Rough Bryony
Tamil Name: Musumusukai / முசுமுசுக்கை
Hindi Name: Aganaki / अगनकी
Malayalam Name: Mukkpeeram / മുക്ക്പതീരം
Telugu Name: Musumusukaya / ముసిముసికాయ
Mukia Maderaspatana is the botanical name of musumusukai that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Musumusukai is a thorny creeper that grows up to 50 cm in height. Musumusukai is an annual plant that grows in the tropical region of India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Musumusukai is a popular medicinal herb in Tamil Nadu. Musumusukai contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, antipyretic, antispasmodic, and anti-asthmatic properties.
Nutrition Facts:
- Calories: 13.24
- Total Fat: 0.12 g
- Total Carbohydrate: 2.44 g
- Dietary Fiber: 0 g
- Sugars: 0 g
- Protein: 0.59 g
- Vitamin C: 0 mg
Health Benefits:
- Musumusukai powder helps to treat skin diseases like eczema, scabies, sores, and wounds.
- Musumusukai powder is the best remedy to get rid of unwanted hair.
- Musumusukai powder has an anti-inflammatory agent that helps to heal wounds faster.
- Musumusukai powder helps to treat hepatic dysfunction.
- Musumusukai powder has antibacterial properties that help to treat acne and pimples.
- Musumusukai powder helps to lower blood sugar levels.
- Musumusukai powder is an effective medicine to treat constipation and intestinal worms.
- Musumusukai powder helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
- Musumusukai powder helps to get rid of eye infections.
- Musumusukai powder helps to treat respiratory disorders.
Dosage of Musumusukai Powder:
Take 5 grams of musumusukai powder and mix it with 100 ml of water. Boil the mixture for a few minutes. Filter the mixture and drink it before breakfast. Repeat the dosage for the evening after dinner. It helps to maintain a healthy body condition.
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