She Oak tree is the botanical name for the Casuarina ecucifolia, a tree of 17 species in the Casuarinae family. It comes with the Australian subcontinent, the western Pacific Ocean, and Southeast Asia. She-oak comes from the Malay word, which means lush flora, and this tree is similar to the feathers of birds. It is one of the shrubs that grow up to 35 meters in height. The wood is thin and green. Its flowers are small cat-like inflorescences with simplistic spikes. The monoecious fruit becomes an oval structure that relates to a conical structure with many carbs. Casuarina is the primary food source for the larvae of herbicide moths.
Health benefits
- It helps to balance hormones and hydrates the uterus.
- It relieves stress, fatigue, and extreme emotional patterns.
- It helps to control excessive bleeding.
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